Player Level

This icon shows the player’s level in the game. Your Level changes with each game and XP you earn.

Reaching higher levels grants you special rewards

Player Level

The player’s level is calculated based on the total XP earned in all games.
Total Game XPPlayer LevelAccess Level
Earn 2000 XP2Unlocking Dangerous slope and Flap color Game
Earn 3000 XP3
Earn 4000 XP4
Earn 5000 XP5
Earn 6000 XP6
Earn 7000 XP7
Earn 8000 XP8
Earn 9000 XP9
Earn 10000 XP10

After leveling up, the total XP resets to zero, and the calculation for the next level starts anew.

The player’s level is displayed at the top of their game profile.

Upon opening the profile menu, the player’s level is visible below the VIT ID.

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