Game Modes in VIT-RIN

By completing quests based on game modes, you can experience both entertainment and fun while earning credit.

In VIT-RIN, there are two game modes: Single-Player and Two-Player Duel , each offering unique opportunities for earning points and rewards.

  • Earn up to 400 V-TONs Daily by playing.

Single-Player Mode
In this mode, you play alone and aim to beat a specified record in each game. This mode is ideal for those who enjoy challenging themselves and setting new records.
Objective: Your goal in Single-Player mode is to reach the specified record in each game.

Energy: You have 10 opportunities to play single-player games daily. This limitation helps you manage your time and enjoy the game in a balanced way. For more information, click [here].

Duel Mode
In this mode, you compete against another player and aim to beat their record. This mode is ideal for those who enjoy competing with others and testing their skills againsََt opponents.
Objective: Your goal in Duel mode is to beat your opponent’s record.
Energy: You have 20 opportunities to play duel games daily. This limitation helps you manage your time and enjoy the game in a balanced way. For more information, click [here].

With these two modes, you can challenge your skills and enjoy playing in VIT-RIN.

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